
Monday, December 29, 2014

Cookie Carrier, Casserole Carrier, Carry Anything!

Happy New Year!  Maybe you decided now is the time to get crafty?  This is a repost of one of my most repinned pins on Pinterest.  It is super easy to make and so darn cute.  It makes me want to get upstairs and start pinning something together!  I hope you have (or had) a happy New Year, and come back for cookies, recipes, party ideas and other good stuff.  2015 is my year to write.  A play (another on stage I hope), a revision of a family cookbook, some great blogs, and who knows what else!

Call it what you like, but call it cute!
I had my sister here for a week, and we did all sorts of fun projects.  Of course, since she is the brain child of Hipline Media, we had to sew.  She brought an idea she made with her ASG (American Sewing Guild) group and everyone loved it.  It is a tutorial video,  from a really talented sewer, The Crafty Gemini.    It is officially called a Casserole Carrier, but I don't make casseroles, just not a fan.  But you could carry anything in this.

The first carrier I made was with this great flatware fabric with a bright orange interior.

I lined this one with the heat resistant Insul Bright.  This stuff is a little stiff, but is designed to absorb heat, and easily found at the fabric store. It would be ideal for taking a dish to a potluck.  We thought they could be really fun in school colors to take to a tail gate.

This carrier will definitely be used for the hot things. The Insul Bright makes this one a little thicker, and I am anxious to make a few pot holders with the Insul Bright too, I'l let you know how that goes. I am always on the look out for a good potholder!

The second carrier I made I used 100% cotton batting inside, like you would use for quilting.  This is thinner, and it won't really protect from or insulate heat, but I thought this would be a great cookie or dessert carrier. My covered pie dish fits perfectly (but who has time to make a pie when there's cookies to frost!)   I love the fabric, it reminds me of the discs we put inside a 45 record to play it on the stereo spindle.

If you are interested in making these, it will take you less than an hour, uses less than a yard of each fabric, and requires no special sewing skill, honest.  If you're looking for more challenging sewing, or instruction, check out our Etsy store of the Hipline Media products.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get in there and sew!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Not Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Ugly? No! Tacky? Maybe!  Cute?  Yes!!
  I wish someone would invite me to an ugly Christmas sweater party.  Or tacky, as they are often called.  Back in the early 90's, there was a high end boutique that sold the most adorned Christmas sweaters ever, and I was lured in year after year.  I would cringe with embarrassment if you knew how much I paid for them!  But, as a true daughter of Pasquale, I have saved every one of them.  I need an occasion where it would be acceptable to wear them once again. But, there are plenty of these parties happening, and I am just making their cookies!

I wouldn't call these necessarily ugly or tacky, but pretty darn cute, if I may.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get those sweaters out of mothballs and party!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ho Ho Ho, Here We Go!

I love the holidays!!!  And I love to make cookies for them as well. I try to choose a theme and maybe a half dozen cutters and use those throughout the holiday.  When you are sitting on a bin of about 75 holiday cutters, it can get overwhelming very fast!  So I thought I would revisit some of the old designs, and maybe in the process be inspired for this year!

Santa is made from a pumpkin cutter...

This adorable guy is a gingerbread man, upside down!

Simple snow theme, love polka dots!

The mittens are great for parties, not too childish!

Love these together...

Place cards for the table.

Favors for a party.

Platters are my favorite!

Nice assortment...

Did I make all these cookies????

Decided I am not a fan of blue at Christmas...

Not crazy about the pink either...
So, now I have to start a little sketching and see what the season brings....stay tuned!  What are you waiting for?  Get in there and bake!