
Friday, December 5, 2008

A yard of Fabric, a Spool of Thread...

I gave my spin on the economy yesterday. Late in the day I got an email from my sister in So. California. She has this awesome little sewing store in Santa Monica called Sewing Arts Center. It's been there since the 50's or something. The guy who currently owns it is wickedly creative, has a fabulous inventory of beautiful fabrics for quilts and crafts. He has these classes I wish I could attend and a staff that are equally as creative. But he has competition. Mass retailers who employ cashiers and fabric cutters. Go into one of those huge stores and ask a sewing question. Your answer will be garbled by the tongue stud as the 18 year old girl who is saving to buy a new tattoo explains she doesn't know how to sew. But I digress....
His email was heartfelt. He loves his business, employs passionate people but cannot survive. If his customers came in and bought a yard of fabric, a spool of thread and a package of buttons, he could make a go of it. It's our duty to do so. Anyone who is gainfully employed needs to support grass roots America. Don't put your money in the stock market, put it in your neighbor. Put it in your home town businesses. Put it where your heart is. If you have a choice between saving 15% or saving some one's business I know what I would choose every time. There must be thousands of businesses in his same predicament. Go forth and shop. This is how it was done 100 years ago when my Grandpa got to this country. You shopped with your neighbors. We need to go back to that.
Tomorrow we shall cook....

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