
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Secret Recipe Club Artichoke Salmon Patties

I've always wanted to be a member of a secret society! This group of bloggers has a fearless leader named Amanda and secret Bat Cave called the Secret Recipe Club. Every month we get a blog assignment. Our job is to hit this blog, take a look around, get to know the blogger and make something from their blog. But you never let them know. Until reveal day that is, then we blog hop and read all about our secret recipe adventures. There are a lot of us out there, so hop about and see what we all found.

For September I was assigned a blog called Ground Cherry. I had to do a little Googling on a ground cherry as I had never heard nor seen one. They are indigenous to Central and South America and sound rather interesting. But no chance the little guys would grow in the violent heat of Memphis. The blog is all about sustainable cooking for one, and focuses on gluten free. Perfect! As a new empty nester, I am now cooking just for two, but it is way easier to make more than freeze leftovers. The recipes were light and fresh and focused on seasonal ingredients, although I am not sure where my new blogger friend is located. I decided to steer away from baking, because I seem to do an awful lot of that. I was looking for dinner, something light and quick.

My first peek at a recipe was for a Mac and Cheese. Okay, I know, not light and usually not healthy. But doesn't everyone love a mac and cheese. I haven't made it in over a year and thought it might be a nice change. But Ground Cherry had made a recipe that was supposed to be a little healthier using pureed cauliflower and squash. He/she was not terrible happy with the results. I love it when a blogger is okay telling you that something is not great. I especially love it when they offer suggestions to make it better. I decided this was not the best choice for me. With my empty nest, "someone" seems to hover in the kitchen, and pureed vegetables in his mac and cheese would not go over well! A few weeks ago I blogged a yummy quick dinner I made of crab cakes and grilled salad. So when I found Ground Cherry's recipe for Salmon Artichoke Patties I knew I found dinner. What I loved was the simplicity of the ingredients and easy to prepare. My confession, however, is that I have never bought canned salmon. So a new adventure for me. The recipe is basically salmon, marinated artichoke hearts, oregano and egg, a little cornmeal to bind and mustard. I used a little dijon. The ingredients whipped up in minutes and my patties cooked in less than 5 minutes. I served it with a grilled salad and dinner was served. The patties are light and delicious. Scott asked for some chopped onion next time, he likes a little crunch. But here's the best part. Salmon is cheap and very low in calories, and high in Omega 3 which my hubby needs more of! Perfect. I squeezed a little lemon on my patties, Scott likes a little tartar sauce (he's a dunker).


  1. On my own, I would not have thought of such a combination. Yet, it sounds just right when you demonstrate it. I would love this for lunch.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the recipe! I think I have used a little minced onion in them before, and it works well if you like the slightly raw onion texture/flavor. A little minced celery might work too.

    BTW, I'm in Boston, where groundcherries grow reasonably well.

  3. É a sociedade secreta mais aberta do mundo. Gostei. Viva Google tradutor, sem ele ficaria difícil,até a próxima, tudo de bom!

  4. I love artichokes and I love salmon, but I never would have thought to put them together in a patty. Great pick for the SRC!

  5. Totally delicious! What a great pick for the SRC! Makes me rather hungry!

  6. Great choice for this month - these patties look really delicious! :)

  7. I was curious about the salmon artichoke combo and they play off eachother quite well....

  8. Wow! I was so thrilled so see Sweetie Petitti in the SRC! I was a newbie last month, and I'm really enjoying it! Those artichoke salmon patties look great and sound so healthy! Great pick! How have you been? :)

  9. My family loves salmon patties, and we also love artichokes. What a great combination and quick meal. Great choice.

  10. Welcome to the SRC. I never would have thought to make this combination but it sounds interesting and I bet that if I made them my daughter would eat them...with tartare sauce as she's a dipper too.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  11. I would imagine that Salmon and Artichokes would play well together. It looks like you have a fun secret society there!

  12. O, I make salmon patties all the time. I LOVE the idea of adding artichoke to it.

    Bat Cave!! LOL

  13. I'm not a fish fan so I will just take your word on it that they are delicious... but you did an amazing job with the SRC this month!

  14. Now that mother nature has cranked up the furnace yet again, I am thinking these for dinner. Light and delicious...but I am so ready for fall. thanks for all the comments, I hope some of you will try them!

  15. Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  16. This recipe looks delicious and I think my sister (who only eats far as meat is concerned) would love it. I think I am going to make it for her on Thanksgiving. If you would like to link it up to my blog hop, I would love that. Here is the direct link -
