Finally, I decided I needed a little something else to make from the wafers, a break from the Ice Box Cake from the previous post.
I found many crust recipes, ice cream sandwich recipes and other ice box cake variations. I decided to launch from a Martha recipe. I would love to make the coconut bonbons in her recipe, sort of a frozen Mounds bar, but my sweet hubby has an allergy (yes honey, we really believe you) to coconut. So I put on my culinary thinking cap and here are my bonbons!
The first are made with Hagen Daaz vanilla yogurt. I let it soften and stirred in some Peppermint Snow. This is a holiday product at Williams Sonoma. Yes, it is crushed candy canes, but they are not gooey in the Memphis humidity. I always buy a few jars when they go on post holiday clearance because I love cool peppermint in the summer! So I mix it in really well, and then take a scoop of my peppermint yogurt and put it on a famous chocolate wafer and freeze until firm. If your ice cream is really runny, freeze it so it scoops well.
I also made some with pistachio gelato. One of my all time favorites. After freezing the scoops on the wafers, melt some bittersweet chocolate in a double boiler and add about a Tablespoon of Crisco to get it super smooth and a little thinner. Put your scoops on a wire rack over some wax paper and ladle the chocolate over them to make a bon bon. I sprinkled a little extra pappermint crunch on the chocolate before it hardened and stuck a shelled pistachio on top of that scoop before the chocolate. Put them back in freezer and then enjoy. My family thinks I am the greatest!
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