My favorite cookies I made this year! |
So, 2012 was a good year. Really, I have few complaints. Let's have a peek back at some blogs, shall we?
January was a little recap, but I also posted my
Aunt Evelyn's Ham Balls. These are so fantastic. I made them again and again, and even made them on a
February was a big month, and my
Pantry Raid cookies were a hit!
Pantry Raid Cookies! |
But February also saw my biggest blog of the year,
Sweet Chili Chicken Wings. And why not? They are delicious! I made them as a part of the Secret Recipe Club, which I graciously dropped out of.
Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes |
March brought
Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes, again from Secret Recipe Club. Yea, they were decadent in many ways. Mainly because they are loaded with alcohol and buttercream. Not much can go wrong there!
I really enjoyed making these! |
In April, I made some of my favorite sugar cookies for a
teenage boy's birthday. After a weekend in KY with cookie people from all over the country, I was so inspired!
Nothing says congrats like a shotgun! |
Off to Vanderbilt! |
May was a huge month, 12 blogs! Lots of cookies for weddings, graduations, First Communions...I was a busy blogger! I also made an amazing
Sweet Potato Salad that we had at a wedding. I'm sort of in the mood for that salad right now!
Sweet Potato Salad I duplicated from the Ritz Carlton...yum! |
June was the start of ice cream season (even tho we had been running the AC for a few months already!), and I obliged with
Cannoli Ice Cream and a
Butterfinger Ice Cream Pie.
I love cannolis, and it makes delicious ice cream! |
It was pretty darn good. I also made cookies for Father's Day and cookies that I was pretty excited about for
Williams Sonoma.
Cookies for the store. I also passed my 15 year mark there! |
July is my favorite month. A couple of birthdays, the Fourth, things are usually pretty calm, and pretty hot too! I made these amazing
Asian Chicken Sandwiches with Rainbow Slaw from one of my foodie blogger friends, Lisa. You can find her at
Parsley, Sage, Line Drives and Desserts. She makes beautiful and delicious food. She is also a great writer.
August stinks. It makes me sad. My kids pack up and head back to college. And they are so excited about it. I guess I am usually ready too, but it seems like I go from a home to an empty house. Scott and I trip over each other for a few days, and we just want to talk to them to make sure everything is okay. I mean, how do they survive without me? I busied myself with cookies. Creative outlets are the best cure for anything that makes you sad.
For a campaign. He didn't win, and I am sorry for that! |
A first Birthday...Arden loves my cookies! |
The first ever, and it was a blast! |
September through December was a little slow. I had my kitchen tore up, I saw some college football, saw lots of college volleyball, made 3 trips to Iowa, a trip to Oklahoma and went to Cookie Con in Salt Lake City, Utah. I spent Thanksgiving with my entire family in Florida as we celebrated my parent's 60th wedding anniversary! I blogged some cookies, but little else. I am ready for the New Year, all those resolutions, what is in store for me and my family. I hope the New Year is good to you and yours, and we will see you back here in January! Happy New Year!
Cookies for Pure Barre. I will be spending lots of time there after the holidays!
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